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  • NKX3.1

NKX3.1 is found in prosate tissue and in the majority of prosate carcinomas. NKX3.1 due to its specificity found mainly in the prostate can be used to identify tumours origin, whether it originated in the prostate. The staining is seen in the luminal cells of prostate tissue.

The staining pattern of NKX 3.1 unlike PSA or PSAP is nuclear as shown below with an image of normal prostate in H&E on right.

Picture 1 – NKX 3.1 positivity in Prostate


NKX 3.1 has several different applications. Below are a few examples.

Tumour or cell type

NKX 3.1 + or -

Prostate Tissue


Prostate Carcinoma


Lung Carcinoma


Breast carcinoma
